# Installation

First, make sure to add the Mollie key to your .env file. You can obtain an API key from the Mollie dashboard (opens new window):


Now pull the package in using composer:

composer require mollie/laravel-cashier-mollie "^2.0"

# Setup

Once you have pulled in the package:

  1. Run php artisan cashier:install.

  2. Add these fields to your billable model's migration (typically the default "create_users_table" migration):

    $table->decimal('tax_percentage', 6, 4)->default(0); // optional
    $table->dateTime('trial_ends_at')->nullable(); // optional
    $table->text('extra_billing_information')->nullable(); // optional
  3. Run the migrations: php artisan migrate

  4. Prepare the configuration files:

    • configure at least one subscription plan in config/cashier_plans.php.

    • in config/cashier_coupons.php you can manage your subscription coupons. By default an example coupon is enabled. Consider disabling it before deploying to production.

    • the base configuration is in config/cashier.php. Be careful while modifying this, in most cases you will not need to.

  5. Prepare the billable model (typically the default Laravel User model):

    • Add the Laravel\Cashier\Billable trait.

    • Optionally, override the method mollieCustomerFields() to configure what billable model fields are stored while creating the Mollie Customer. Out of the box the mollieCustomerFields() method uses the default Laravel User model fields:

    public function mollieCustomerFields() {
        return [
            'email' => $this->email,
            'name' => $this->name,

    Learn more about storing data on the Mollie Customer here (opens new window).

    • Implement the Laravel\Cashier\Order\Contracts\ProvidesInvoiceInformation interface on your billable model. For example:
        * Get the receiver information for the invoice.
        * Typically includes the name and some sort of (E-mail/physical) address.
        * @return array An array of strings
        public function getInvoiceInformation()
            return [$this->name, $this->email];
        * Get additional information to be displayed on the invoice. Typically a note provided by the customer.
        * @return string|null
        public function getExtraBillingInformation()
            return null;
  6. Schedule a periodic command to execute the CashierRun command. When processing lots of orders, consider increasing the job frequency to prevent hitting Mollie's rate limiter.

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule;
    use Laravel\Cashier\Console\Commands\CashierRun;
        ->hourly() // run as often as you like (daily, monthly, every minute, ...)
        ->withoutOverlapping(); // make sure to include this

    You can find more about scheduling jobs using Laravel here (opens new window).

🎉 You're now good to go 😃.